Pennyrile Electric, in Hopkinsville, hosted the 11th Kentucky Lineman’s Rodeo at the Western Kentucky Fairgrounds July 30 and 31. The Kentucky Lineman’s Rodeo is a yearly competition organized by the Kentucky Association of Electric Cooperatives and showcases the amazing talents of electric cooperative lineman. This…
Farmers RECC and its power supplier, Winchester-based East Kentucky Power Cooperative (EKPC), today announced updates on their project to develop a plant in Glasgow that will produce clean, renewable energy. Called the Glasgow Landfill-Gas-To-Energy (LFGTE) project, the plant will produce renewable power using methane collected…
For the past year, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been working on new rules to regulate the carbon dioxide emissions of power plants as pollutants under the Clean Air Act. The agency expected to finalize its highly controversial carbon dioxide standards for new units…