Serving more than 1.8 million people in 117 counties, Kentucky’s 26 not-for-profit electric cooperatives are committed to improving the quality of life for our consumer-members. KENTUCKY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES Read about co-ops Watch Our Video Kentucky electric cooperatives are helping reverse the downward trend in rural voting. Support Co-ops Vote. Make sure you are registered and that you vote on Election Day Kentucky Electric Cooperatives

This week, co-op leaders and innovators gathered at a conference in Lexington to collaborate on ideas and share best practices. Conferences like this remind us that by working together, we can build a safer, more sustainable energy future for everyone.

A call to action for Kentucky's energy future. Meade County RECC President and CEO Marty Littrel highlights regulatory threats as the top challenge facing our co-ops in providing affordable, reliable electricity. #KentuckyCoops #RuralElectric

Today marks the 61st anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the Untied States. As a senator and later as president, Kennedy frequently spoke in favor of rural electrification and recognized the value of the cooperative structure.

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